First Annual College, Career and Life Skills Conference

April 8, 2013

Aloha Seniors and Senior Parents,

As you are most likely already aware of, the State Department of Education has mandated that all schools give grade specific exams to students enrolled in grades 9-11 on April 23.  It has been determined by the Department that each school should individually develop an activity for their 12th graders.  Kealakehe High School, Hawaii P-20, the University of Hawai'i Center at West Hawaii, the University of Hawaii at Hilo and the Hawaii Community Federal Credit Union have all joined together to offer our seniors an exciting opportunity – The First Annual College, Career and Life Skills Conference.

This conference will offer our seniors expert advice on the following topics:

·         What to expect in college

·         Information on renewable financial aid

·         What types of skills employers and Professors are looking for

·         Workplace readiness tips

·         Financial planning and how to budget money wisely

This event will be held at the Old Airport pavilion and lunch will be provided.  Seniors will be asked to meet at school on April 23 at 8:15; we will all board the provided busses and leave the school no later than 8:30.  We will return to campus before the end of the school day (which is 1:00 this day).  Seniors will be required to use the provided transportation and are not allowed to drive to the event in their own automobiles.  We also ask that all seniors under the age of 18 fill out and return the enclosed permission slip; these slips are due to CEPA teachers no later than Friday, April 12.

A great deal of planning and financial commitment has gone into the creation of this event.  As a reminder, April 23 is a school day for all students – seniors are required to attend this day of school like all other days.

Questions regarding this event should be directed to Mr. James Young at [email protected] or via telephone at 327-4300, extension 2429.

We’ll see you there!
