A Message from Katelyn Howard, Student Body President

Welcome Back Students!

Hopefully everyone had a spectacular summer.  This upcoming year is going to be absolutely fantastic, and it will be all thanks to you.  It will be filled with laughter, cheering, teamwork, and exciting events.

It is an honor to be this years Student Body President, and I will do my best to keep everyone happy.  Thank you for the support during my campaign; I will keep my promise in making this school’s enjoyment my number one priority.  Feel free to talk to me or share ideas you have for this upcoming year, as long as they are positive and appropriate.  I would love to hear creative input from each and every one of you.

At the moment I have three main goals that I am going to push for through out the year.  Number one, every grade level needs to work closer together and have less negative attitude towards each other; competition can be fun but we need to calm down with the negative attitude and comments.  Number two; we need to work on promoting our school events, via Facebook, Posters, Word of Mouth, etc.  Without promotion, events can sometimes fail and we need all the success we can get!  Number three School Service, making sure the campus stays clean and beautiful.  If it’s clean and organized it will make everyone’s life easier and more enjoyable.

GO WAVERIDERS! Let’s make this year count…learn from the past and live for the future.


Katelyn Howard, SBP
