BULLETIN: Monday, August 14th, 2017

BULLETIN: Monday, August 14th, 2017

Aloha WaveRiders!

(introduce yourselves)

Today is Monday, August 14th, 2017. And there are a lot of important announcements, so brace yourselves.

This week we have a regular week schedule, with Friday off for Statehood day!

Are Ivy Leagues on your mind? Then go check out Dayna Krakower from Brown University. Dayna will be at the Gates Performing Arts Center, at HPA, August 31st for an evening program on Selective College Admissions. Be there @6:30PM.

WaveRiders! Run for Homecoming Court! Download your forms and turn them into Young no later than August 28. Or run for Student Council - we especially need members of the Class of 2021. Download your petitions and turn them in by tomorrow! See Young in the SAC Office if you're not able to download forms and need a copy.

NHS members please come and help at the public library's book sale Saturday, August 19th. They need help 7-9 to set up and 1-2 to clean-up. Come and see Mrs. Anderson or Mr. Dahlke in the library with questions.

Attention Freshmen! Kealakehe Student Credit Union is sponsoring the $5 to open a new savings account to the first 20 freshmen! All forms are due on September 1st! Pick up a form at the teller station in the cafeteria during lunch today!

For all sophomores who want to buy T-shirts see Vienna, Isaiah, Sina, or Vai. The shirt will be pre-ordered then distributed. The T-shirts will be $15. Any questions contact your class officers.

Hey seniors! If anyone is interested in designing a shirt for the senior class, please submit your designs to [email protected] (SPELL OUT EMAIL) by Wednesday August 16th at 2PM. We want a shirt for spirit week that represents our class! Please use CustomInk for your designs or else we can't use them. Submit your designs before 2PM on Wednesday to [email protected].

Aloha Students!!! Thank you so much for getting your applications and payments into the bus office! Please continue to be patient as we get all bus passes and coupons to you as quickly as possible. Temporary bus passes will be distributed during Waverider Advisory .

Permanent bus passes will be distributed hopefully by the end of next week. Bus drivers will not be checking bus passes until August 21, so please keep all temporary bus passes with you at all times.

Returning students and upperclassmen, Student IDs from last year and previous years are your IDS. ID's are issued once during your freshman year unless you are a bus rider. You will not be getting a new ID every year so please do not misplace your ID's. There is a replacement fee of $10 if you need to get another ID due to lost or damage.

There has been a route change effective today for our Nani Kailua/Aloha Kona IR11B Route.

This change comes from the Department of Transportation and Roberts Hawaii due to safety concerns and allow the route to flow smoother.

With this change students that live on Puka Ana will have to walk down to Nani Kailua Dr and Hualalai St.

Route Schedule will be as follows:
7:13am - 75-020 Malulani Drive
7:15am - Welo St and Nani Kailua Dr.
7:16am - Kakalina St. and Nani Kailua Dr.

7:17am - Melelina st. and Nani Kailua Dr.
7:18am - Hoene St and Nani Kailua Dr.
7:22am - 75-346 Hualalai st

7:23am - Nani Kailua Dr. and Hualalai St (Pine Subdivision riders please walk down to Hualalai
7:24am - Aloha Kona Dr (Bottom) and Hualalai
7:39am - Drop off at Kealakehe High

Afternoon route will follow same stops. Please stop by the bus office if you have any questions. Mahalo!!!

Wiki and lunch today are Hot dog on a Whole-Grain bun & POM swirl, baked beans, rainbow salad, strawberries, and a milk.

Next up we have a clip and then Mr. Castro will be on.

Thanks for watching and have a Cool WaveRider MonDay!

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