BULLETIN Wednesday, November 21st

BULLETIN Wednesday, November 21st

Aloha WaveRiders!

(introduce yourselves)

Today is Wednesday, November 21st, 2018.

Due to the thanksgiving holiday, TODAY will be a six period day with sixth period ending at 3:15 and the buses arriving for pick up at that time. Each period is 45 minutes.

Interact Club is having a discount card fundraiser to support our various charities (such as polio vaccinations, support of an orphanage in India, and providing food for the needy). The discounts are for many establishments such as Umeke's, Gypsy Gelato, Panda Express, Subway, and much more. If you're an Interact club member, please stop by I-203 to pick up your cards so you can start selling or if you just want to buy one. The sale ends November 30th.

Interact Club is also planning to host a movie night, featuring the movie "Elf," on Friday, November 30th. The movie is scheduled to be shown on Kealakehe High School's lawn in between the cafeteria and the library. There will be free popcorn and admission along with concessions. Bring blankets and chairs. Face painting and holiday craft booths will be open at 5:30 and the movie starts at 6:15. Plan to see you there for a fun evening to kick off the holiday season!

Waverider Learning Center, version 2.0 has begun. It will run Tuesday and Thursday beginning at 3:15. If you are interested in attending please pick up an application in the attendance office, counselors office or library. You can come to the learning center without an application but to get a ride home from learning center you will need an application on file by Tuesday, November 27th. Applications can be returned to the library.

Attention actors, singers, and dancers. Auditions for the musical "Mamma Mia" will be held at the Aloha Theater December 3 and 4 at 6 p.m. All roles are available, no experience is necessary, and newcomers are welcome. See Mr. Dahlke in the library for more details.

Want to win a FREE yearbook? Let me tell you how! Purchase your Waverider yearbook online by December 1 at Jostens.com! Winners will be announced by mid December 2018! For the direct link, go to the Kealakehe school website under the recent news section! All in house purchases made before October 1 have been automatically entered to win, including all online purchases made prior to this advertisement. So don’t wait! Go online now at Jostens.com and win that FREE yearbook!

Wiki and lunch today are a Kalua Pork w. Spinach W. Rice, Sweet Roll/ Lomi Tomato, Vegetable Juice, Pineapple Chunks, Fresh Bosc Pears

Please stay tuned for more information about the campus evacuation that will take place during our extended 75-minute advisory today. When the evacuation is over, students should head directly to their 1st period classes.

Thanks for watching and make it a great Waverider Day!

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