BULLETIN: Wednesday, November 15th, 2017

BULLETIN: Wednesday, November 15th, 2017

Aloha WaveRiders!

(introduce yourselves)

Today is Wednesday, November 15th, 2017.

Attention Freshmen! Are you planning on going to college? If so, you should take the PSAT9 on November 30th. To sign up, you must pay $10 at the accounting office. The deadline is November 22nd, but there are limited tests available, so sign up ASAP!

Attention Seniors! If you are Native Hawaiian and planning on going to college, you must attend the Native Hawaiian Scholarship Aha, TODAY, Wednesday, November 15. It will take place in the cafeteria starting at 6:00 pm and dinner will be served. See you there!

If you still have a trick-or-treat for UNICEF box, please return it AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to Mrs. Rossman or Mrs. Thompson! Mahalo.

NHS members please come to a meeting Wednesday, November 15, at lunch in room F302. We will be working on a Thanksgiving service project and need many hands to complete it.

Lunch today is Popcorn Chicken & Mash Bowl, Pan Roasted Vegetables, Apple Wedge, Mixed Fruit Fruited, Muffin, and a milk.

Thanks for watching and have a Wonderful WaveRider Wednesday!

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