Monday May 23 Bulletin

Monday May 23 Bulletin

Good Morning WaveRiders!

(introduce yourselves)

Today is Monday, May 23, 2016.

Underclassmen finals begin today with period 1 and 2 and then a study session in period 3 if you stay on campus after lunch

Tomorrow will be finals in periods 3 and 4 with a study session in period 5 if you stay on campus after lunch

Wednesday will be finals in periods 5 and 6 with period 1 after lunch

And Thursday is the student make-up day so there are no specific classes…and then we return to school on Tuesday, August 2nd.

Did you sign up for AP US History or AP European History for next year? If you did, please see Mr. Huitt in D203 to pick up your AP summer homework. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Huitt in D203.

If you signed up for trig, make sure you are getting the summer homework from your Algebra 2 teacher…or see Mrs. Stone in J203 before you leave for summer!

Attention freshmen! If you are taking Honors English 10, be sure to pick up your summer homework from your English teacher, or stop by room F-201.

You will also need to check out a copy of "The Good Earth" from the library.
That's Honors English 10, summer homework, F-201 or your current English teacher.

Aloha All! Are you one of those students that prefer excitement in your life rather than stability? Are you a junior who is looking to graduate next year but are short credits?

Are you a freshman that wants to take a history course over the summer so that you can accelerate your high school experience? If the answer is yes to any of these questions, there is still time to sign up for summer school.

30 days of instruction starting on June 1 and ending on July 14. Applications are available online at the school Website or on the counter of the main office. Mahalo


Senior portraits will be taken on campus, in the SAC trailer, on July 19th and 20th. All junior CEPA teachers should have received information packets and scheduled appointment cards.

Juniors need to return the completed blue sheet with payment of $25 to the photographer when they have their portrait taken. The senior quote, senior casual photo, and senior keiki photo are not due until September 16th.

If students cannot make the scheduled appointment time, they should contact the Action Photos of Hawaii Hilo directly at 935-9922. If you are planning to attend as a senior next year, and did NOT receive an appointment card, please see Mrs. Pereida in Q-101 as soon as possible.

Wiki and lunch today is beef hot dog, whole grain bun, potato rounds, baked beans and veggie sticks, apples and oranges and a milk

Next up we have a clip and then the Admin Spot Check

Thanks for watching and have a MEANINGFUL Waverider Monday!

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