Monday, October 31st, 2016.

Monday, October 31st, 2016.

Good Morning WaveRiders

(introduce yourselves)

Today is Monday, October 31 2016.

Congratulations to our Waverider cheerleaders. They made it to BIIFs. This year the competition is being held at our school gym. The competition starts at 6pm, but the doors open a 5:30pm. Come cheer for our KHS cheerleaders.

Hey Seniors! 
We're extending the deadline for T-shirt designs for one more week, the deadline will be the third of November. Make sure to submit your design by email. Your cepa teacher should have the email.

Attention NHS members! 
There will be a meeting on tuesday the 1st and wednesday the 2nd! We have some activities planned so make sure to come! 

Waverider fall baseball conditioning has started! Conditioning will be held after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 330pm until 5pm. Please see Coach Hansen for details. GO RIDERS!!!

There will be a second round of picture day make-ups on November 7th. This make-up picture day will be for students that missed picture day, students that ordered pictures and want to re-take their picture, and new students. 

Students that ordered pictures and want to retake them MUST come see Ms. Zamber during wiki or CEPA in I102 by October 28th. New students and students that missed picture day DO NOT need to come to I102. 

Wiki and lunch today is Chicken Tenders on Shredded Cabbage, Brown Rice/Whole Grain Roll, Broccoli & Carrots, Applesauce/Peaches and a milk.

If you haven’t already, be sure to sign-out a Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF box.

Because it’s Halloween, the rest of CEPA is for students who are dressed in costume to walk around to other CEPA’s to Trick-or-Treat. Be sure to look for rooms that have their doors decorated so you know where to Trick-or-Treat. So have fun and Happy Waverider Halloween.

Otherwise, please enjoy some clips suggested by Kimberley Bischoff

Thanks for watching and have a great WaveRider Monday

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